फलित नाड़ी ज्योतिष ग्रह युति (एक विह्गम दृष्टिपात )
१. नाड़ी ग्रंथो का परिचय
२. भृगु - नंदी नाड़ी : मूल सिद्धांत
३. ग्रहो की प्रवृति
४. दो अथवा तीन ग्रहो की युति के प्रभाव
५. चार या अधिक ग्रहो की युति
६. जीवन पथ विशलेषण - गुरु गोचर चक्र
७. नाड़ी ज्योतिष के ग्रह युति सरेखण एवं कारकत्व
BRIHAT PARASARA HORA SASTRA (VOL- II ) ( English ) The most ancient scripture giving the very fundamental principles of vedic astrology as expounded by Maharishi Parasara : versatile,and yet...
ज्योतिष शास्त्र के गूढ़ सिद्धान्तों को सही ढंग से समझने में कठिनाइयों का सामना करना पड़ता है और इसके परिणाम स्वरुप सही फलकथन नहीं कर पाते है l इससे वह...
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Nadi Astrology ( English ) The Nadi Jyotish is a unique system of astrology.Nadi Granthas, the master pieces are systematically and scientifically completed treatises based on minutest parts (known as...
Rashmi Chintha [English] by Dr. Revathi Vee Kumar Publisher: Sagar Publication Rashmi Chintha, the central theme of this book, is a unique and seldom explored concept in modern astrology. Despite...
The correct judgement of longevity is highly complex, but is equally important and sought after. “Knowing longevity is difficult even for gods” said sage Parashar.Any prediction made without considering it...
Planets and Travel Abroad [English] by MS Mehta Publisher: Sagar Publications The author of this book, M.S. Mehta is a senior retired officer of the Indian Foreign Service. He has held important...
General analytical techniques, impact of Badhaka planets, impact of yogas,insight, identification of the professional fields, professional signification of the signs and planets, professional determinants, averting professional setbacks and augmenting professional...