Saral Jyotish Part - 1 Astrology Simplified By VP Goel Publisher: Sagar Publications This book is written with the intent to help Astrology students and practitioners to ‘digest’ Astrology knowledge and...
Comprehensive Prediction By Divisional Charts (English) by VP Goel Three distinguishing features of Hindu Astrology are divisional charts, dasha systems and yogas. This book deals with divisional charts. We all...
दशमांश एक महत्वपूर्ण वर्ग कुंडली है | यह पुस्तक दशमांश के व्यावहारिक उपयोग से सम्बंधित है | शिक्षा , व्यवसाय , प्रमोशन , प्रसिद्धि, स्थानांतरण, सेवा निवृति , व्यापार अथवा...
Author- VP Goel विभिन्न वर्गों की तुलना में नवांश को अपेक्षाकृत महत्ता सभी लोगो ने स्वीकार की है l ज्योतिष इसे जन्म -कुंडली के ठीक बाद या समकक्ष या उससे...
Navansh Se Phalit (Hindi) - By VP Goel नवांश से फलित - हिंदी में (वी.पी गोयल) यह पुस्तक नवांश का व्यवहारिक प्रयोग दिखाती है l नवांश के अनेक आयाम जैसे विवाह,...
Saral Jyotish - 108 Gems of Predictive Astrology (Part 5) [English] by VP Goel Publisher : Sagar Publications This book gives 108 rare and east to apply replicable rules of predictive...
Predicting through Jaimini Astrology Author- VP Goel Jaimini system of astrology is fascinating method. It is a great predictive tool for astrologers. Combined with Parasara system we can double check the...
Author- VP Goel Unravelling Puzzle Of Longevity AN ORIGINAL RESEARCH Many a sciences have attempted to predict the life span of a human being, but have conceded that an accurate...
Author- VP Goel Sages have commanded use of Yogini Dasha on all horoscopes. Life is not repeat of events every thirty six years and this prejudice is the biggest hurdle...
Yogini Dasha Se Phalit (Hindi) by VP Goel यह पुस्तक योगिनी दशा पद्धति को अपने उस महत्वपूर्ण स्थान पर आसीन करती है, जो स्थान पराशर जी द्वारा दिया गया है।...
Saral Jyotish (Part 6) Are you Lucky [English] by VP Goel Saral Jyotish (Part 6): Are You Lucky" by V.P. Goel is a comprehensive guide focusing on the fourth house...