Astrology in Vedas [English] by J.N. Bhasin Discover the ancient roots of astrology in the Vedic scriptures with this insightful book by J.N. Bhasin, a renowned scholar in the field....
रुद्रयामल तंत्र Author - Rudradev Tripathi तंत्र साहित्य के विशाल सागर में अद्भुत रत्न के समान अपनी महानता और तांत्रिक प्रयोगों के लिए सर्वत्र विश्वविख्यात ग्रन्थ है l वर्षो के...
Yogis Destiny and the wheel of Time Author- KN Rao This is book about some of the hundreds of great Yogis of India the author has met during a period...
Vedic Ank Jyotish Vol-1 & Vol-2 in Hindi By Ashok Bhatia Vedic Ank Jyotish" is a comprehensive two-volume series authored by Ashok Bhatia, a renowned expert in Vedic numerology. This series...
Dattatreya Tantra by Rudradev TripathiPublished by Ranjan Publisher Dattatreya Tantra by Rudradev Tripathi is a profound work that delves into the ancient spiritual practices and teachings associated with Lord Dattatreya,...
Jyotisha the Super Science - A Rich Heritage of India's Composite Culture Author: KN Rao | Publisher: Vani Publications Description:In Jyotisha the Super Science, KN Rao delves into the scientific...
विज्ञानं भैरव -रुद्रयामल तन्त्र का गूढ़ रहस्य विज्ञानं - सांसारिकता -भौतिकता l भैरव - अत्यंत उग्रता से विनाश करने वाला शिवतत्व l तंत्र- संसार के अज्ञानी जीवो का लौकिक एवं...
माहेश्वर तंत्र Author-Rudradev Tripathi "माहेश्वर तंत्र " आगम तंत्रो क़ी मुकुट मणि है i माहेश्वर तंत्र साधना पर प्रायः सभी प्रमुख तंत्र ग्रंथो ने प्रकाश डाला है i "माहेश्वर तंत्र...
Shri Durga Saptashati' is a practical training manual. Actually, it is a way to find out the cosmic reality. Throughout our lives we pursue such transient and petty desires that...