TRANSIT OF PLANETARY Author -OP Verma Astrologers usually ascribe less importance to transit of planets and give more importance to Dasa system. It is transit that precipitate an event if...
LAGHU PARASARI (Jataka Chandrika), Author- OP Verma This is a brief introductory work with impetus on the Dasa- Bhukti results of various planets depending on the lordships of various houses...
PLANETARY ASPECTS IN ASTROLOGY, Author - OP Verma Planetary aspects are modifying and determining influences on the results of planets in a birth chart. Unless aspects are properly computed and...
A GLIMPSE OF KERALA ASTROLOGY, Author-OP Verma Vedic or Indian Astrology is star studded with the great classics of Maharishis and Acharyas. Though they followed Astrology almost on the identical...
Yogas-The Marvels Of Hindu Astrology (The Celestial Entities In Action) Author- OP Verma Combinations of various planets form the essence of predictive astrology as practised in India. The yogas or...