Comprehensive Prediction By Divisional Charts (English) by VP Goel Three distinguishing features of Hindu Astrology are divisional charts, dasha systems and yogas. This book deals with divisional charts. We all...
विभिन्न वर्गों की तुलना में नवांश को अपेक्षाकृत महत्ता सभी लोगो ने स्वीकार की है l ज्योतिष इसे जन्म -कुंडली के ठीक बाद या समकक्ष या उससे भी बेहतर मानते...
Navansh Se Phalit (Hindi) - By VP Goel नवांश से फलित - हिंदी में (वी.पी गोयल) यह पुस्तक नवांश का व्यवहारिक प्रयोग दिखाती है l नवांश के अनेक आयाम जैसे विवाह,...
Sages have commanded use of Yogini Dasha on all horoscopes. Life is not repeat of events every thirty six years and this prejudice is the biggest hurdle in use of...
NAVAMSA IN ASTROLOGY Navamsa occupies an outstanding position and has to be properly understood and interpretated for making precise prediction.The author has presented this book dealing with the subject in...
Vedic Astrology – An Integrated Approach In this book covered divisional charts, special ascendants, arudhas, argalas, yogas, ashtakavarga, avasthas, a few nakshatra dasas, a few rasi dasas, several techniques of...
Career is of utmost importance for all individuals. From childhood parents are worried about the future of their children. They are worried about the education of their children. The four...
In my research i found out that the information my guru wanted to give through his works are hidden and therefore I have written, celestial matrix, Orbital providence, Prashna Hora...
जैमिनी ज्योतिष से फलित जैमिनी ज्योतिष पद्धति एक अनूठी और आकर्षित करने वाली पद्धति है l यह फलित ज्योतिष का अनुपम साधन है l जैमिनी और पराशरी ज्योतिष के समन्वय...
फलित नाड़ी ज्योतिष ग्रह युति (एक विह्गम दृष्टिपात )
१. नाड़ी ग्रंथो का परिचय
२. भृगु - नंदी नाड़ी : मूल सिद्धांत
३. ग्रहो की प्रवृति
४. दो अथवा तीन ग्रहो की युति के प्रभाव
५. चार या अधिक ग्रहो की युति
६. जीवन पथ विशलेषण - गुरु गोचर चक्र
७. नाड़ी ज्योतिष के ग्रह युति सरेखण एवं कारकत्व
BRIHAT PARASARA HORA SASTRA (VOL- II ) ( English ) The most ancient scripture giving the very fundamental principles of vedic astrology as expounded by Maharishi Parasara : versatile,and yet...
How to Analyse Married Life The marriage is an institution for continuance of mankind. Those blessed with a peaceful and happy married life contribute for the growth of the society....