Saral Jyotish Part - 1 Astrology Simplified By VP Goel Publisher: Sagar Publications This book is written with the intent to help Astrology students and practitioners to ‘digest’ Astrology knowledge and...
Hindu Jyotish Ka Saral Addhyan (Hindi) by K.N. Rao | Vani Publications हिंन्दु ज्योतिष का सरल अध्ययन ग्रहो के आधार पर सप्ताह के दिनों के नाम, नवग्रह, द्वादश भाव, भावो...
Learn Successful Predictive Techniques of Hindu Astrology Author: KN Rao | Publisher: Vani Publications Description:Master the art of accurate predictions with KN Rao’s expert guidance in Hindu astrology! This book...
Hora Shatak [English] by J.N. Bhasin Hora Shatak by J.N. Bhasin is an exceptional work that delves into the practical aspects of predictive astrology. It presents a hundred unique combinations...
Learn Hindu Astrology Easily Author: KN Rao | Publisher: Vani Publications Description:In Learn Hindu Astrology Easily, KN Rao simplifies the complex concepts of Hindu astrology, making it accessible for beginners....
Saral Jyotish (Part 4) [English] BY VP Goel Publisher : Sagar Publications Part 4 of Saral Jyotish deals in the exaltation of planets and the Panch Maha Purush yoga. All possible...
Vedic Astrology – An Integrated Approach Author- Pvr Narasimha Rao In this book covered divisional charts, special ascendants, arudhas, argalas, yogas, ashtakavarga, avasthas, a few nakshatra dasas, a few rasi...
Ek Mas me Jyotish Seekhiye (Astrology for Beginners)By GS Kapoor (Gauri Shankar Kapoor)Published by Ranjan Publications Embark on your journey to understanding astrology with Ek Mas me Jyotish Seekhiye. Authored...