Saral Jyotish Part - 1 Astrology Simplified By VP Goel Publisher: Sagar Publications This book is written with the intent to help Astrology students and practitioners to ‘digest’ Astrology knowledge and...
Saral Jyotish (Part 4) [English] BY VP Goel Publisher : Sagar Publications Part 4 of Saral Jyotish deals in the exaltation of planets and the Panch Maha Purush yoga. All possible...
Vedic Astrology – An Integrated Approach Author- Pvr Narasimha Rao In this book covered divisional charts, special ascendants, arudhas, argalas, yogas, ashtakavarga, avasthas, a few nakshatra dasas, a few rasi...
सुगम वेदिक ज्योतिष [हिंदी]लेखक: जी. एस. अग्रवाल सुगम वेदिक ज्योतिष जी. एस. अग्रवाल द्वारा लिखित एक सरल और व्यावहारिक पुस्तक है, जो वेदिक ज्योतिष के मूलभूत सिद्धांतों और उनके उपयोग...
Self Learning Course in Astrology Author- VK Choudhary, K Rajesh Choudhary (Based on Systems' Approach) Salient Features: A Complete Book for Beginners and Advance Learners giving Fundamental Concepts, Predictive and...
Janam Patrika Kaise Padhe Author- Ds Mathur यह आम व्यक्तियों के लिए प्रथम पुस्तक है ताकि वे भारतीय ज्योतिष का प्राथमिक ज्ञान प्राप्त कर सकेंl हाल के वर्षों में भारतीय ज्योतिष...
Author- SP Khullar This book is not a conventional and obtuse book on astrology.A person who accepts astrology as a dynamic, wonderful, majestic, practical and humanistic science has written it....
Astrology : A Quest Towards Unknown Author- Raj Kumar Lt Col The universe is an ocean of mysteries and surprises. Why and from where we have come? What is our...
How to Make and Read a Horoscope [English] By Sepharial'sPublisher: Sagar PublicationsHow to Make and Read a Horoscope" by Sepharial, published by Sagar Publications, is a comprehensive guide to astrology....
Vedic Astrology is the art of forecasting events, validating past events and analyzing the present through the native's horoscope. Astrology is indicative in nature; it can indicate but is not...