Saral Jyotish (Part 4) [English] BY VP Goel Publisher : Sagar Publications Part 4 of Saral Jyotish deals in the exaltation of planets and the Panch Maha Purush yoga. All possible...
This book gives simple easy to apply rules to get the astrological answers to queries like number and sex of children, timing of birth of children, happiness or troubles from...
PREDICT WITH NAVAMSHA This book deals with the practical application of navamsha. Many aspects of navamsha like marriage, religious devotion, sixty fourth navamsha, vish navamsha and timing of marriage are...
जैमिनी ज्योतिष से फलित जैमिनी ज्योतिष पद्धति एक अनूठी और आकर्षित करने वाली पद्धति है l यह फलित ज्योतिष का अनुपम साधन है l जैमिनी और पराशरी ज्योतिष के समन्वय...
Astrology of Education by V.P. Goel (English) Shri Vinod Prakash Goel is a former officer of the Indian Engineering Services and has served the Ministry of Defence, Government of India. He...
Saral Jyotish Part 3 [Hindi] By VP Goel Publisher: Sagar Publications सरल ज्योतिष के इस भाग-3 में पांच विषयों पर चर्चा की गई है। यह विषय बंधन योग, उपचय भाव, विपरीत राजयोग,...