Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra (2 Volume Set) (English) One can safely say that hindu astrology took its birth through the teachings of parasara, the sage of sages. The sage laid...
HORA SARA By Prithuyasas Son Of Varahmihira ( English ) This is a book on horosocopy by Prithuyasas, the son of the great Acharaya Varahamihira, “Shatpanchasika”- the excellent book...
Deva Keralam (Chandra Kala Nadi) Vol -1 [English] Deva Keralam (Chandra Kala Nadi) Vol -2 [English] Deva Keralam (Chandra Kala Nadi) Vol -3 [English] The Deva Keralam (Chandra Kala Nadi)...
Essentials of Predictive Hindu Astrology [English] by R Santhanam Publisher: Sagar Publications Books The author has compiled the work of this nature containing important editorials and relevant contributions in the columns Times...