PREFACE TO THE THIRTEENTH EDITION Considering the apparently technical nature of GRAHA AND BHAVA BALAS the sale of the twelfth edition within a short period is indeed an encouraging indication...
The only claim of this book is to present an ensemble of ancient astrological data concerning the methods of forecasting certain natural disasters and the need on the part of...
Ashtakavarga System Of Prediction The Ashtakavarga System, an exposition of which has been attempted in this book, has engaged my attention for a long time. It occupies an important place...
A Manual Of Hindu Astrology This book deals with such aspects as the determination of the longitudes of planets, house – cusps, sunrise and sunset and other information essential for...
BHAVARTHA RATNAKARA is treatise on astrology said to have been written by Sri Ramanujacharya and it deals with the subject in a masterly way. The translation, notes and examples, I...
AFTER the first edition was published in 1969, I visited U.S.A., Europe, Japan, etc., in October 1970 with Mrs. Rajeswari Raman, alone in April 1971, and in October 1972 and...
Horary astrology is the most important branch of the three divisions of the astrological science, the other two being Jataka (predictive astrology) and Muhurtha (electional astrology). It takes as the...
"Reunderstanding Saturn" unravels several almost unknown aspects of Saturn. The book comprises of 9 chapters. The first chapter presents the spectrum of various roles Saturn plays, underlining the point that...