गत शताब्दी में प्रकाशित "बृहत् पराशर होरा"नाम से चार ग्रन्थ है . जिनमे सर्वप्रथम बृहत् पाराशर होरा सारांश है l इस ग्रन्थ के तृतीय संस्करण (1933 में प्रकाशित ) के ...
This book is an attempt to show the effects of Rahu in a horoscope. The book explain both types, the good and positive side of Rahu and the well known...
Jatakadesamarga is an outstanding work on Astrology and the author, Podumanai Chomadiri known as Somayaji of Poduhouse has drawn from such authorities on Astrology as the writers of Brihat Jataka,...
Bhatt Narayana has written his Chamatkara Chintamani in 108 Shlokas which he claims to have collected out of an ocean of four lac Jyoti Shastras. These are 9 Planets and...
This book analyses astrologically the ups and down in the career of sports person and also discusses how to predict the result of matches especially one day cricket matches.It helps...
Just As a navigator charts his course by the stars on the sea, so does an Astrologer in world affairs. The reader knows that these chartings are so often accurate...
प्राच्य चिकित्सा पद्धति में उपचार व्यक्ति का होता है रोग का नहीं प्राच्य चिक्रित्सा पद्धति में ऐसी अंतर्दृष्टि विकसित किये जाने का महत्व जिससे अतीत के स्वरूपों को वर्तमान और भावी लक्षणों...
The science and art of Astro - Palmistry is that branch of Palmistry which deals with the determination of birth time from hand-reading. The importance of this section of hand-reading...
To fix the possible time of happening of an event in the life of an individual is a difficult matter. Vimshottari dasa is a commonly used tool to do it....
Astrological predictions have since long baffled the man. He wanted answers to his psychic quest, methods of self-realization and a knowledge of his ultimate goal. Astrology indicated that his everyday...
Ever since the study was first published in 1983, Vedic Astrology has made a niche for itself. During the age of scientific and technological progress, the special interest shown to...
A unique system of analysis based on zonal effect rasis and planets posited therein and influenced by other planets from specified places is the main principle of Brighu Nandi Naadi...