A COMPLETE BOOK ON TRIPLE TRANSIT INFLUENCES OF PLANETS HOW TO IDENTIFY SIGNIFICANT EVENTS Salient Features: Tips for Predictive Accuracy Unique and Effective Methodology to read TRIPLE TRANSIT INFLUENCES (Transit to...
As is evident from the name of the book, the book empowers the readers for handling astrological questions and giving suitable advice. The book includes the Predictive techniques and the...
Author- VK Choudhary, K Rajesh Choudhary इस पुस्तक का क्षेत्र आपकी निम्न विषयों यर योग्य बनाता है-ज्योतिष की बोधगम्य विचारधारा प्रदान करना। वैदिक ज्योतिष के शब्दों का बोघ/ज्ञान कराना। जन्म...
Author- VK Choudhary, K Rajesh Choudhary Predicting Techniques And The Application Of Astrological Remedial Measures ( Based On Systems Approach ) Keeping in view the rising demands of the society,...
Self Learning Course in Astrology Author- VK Choudhary, K Rajesh Choudhary (Based on Systems' Approach) Salient Features: A Complete Book for Beginners and Advance Learners giving Fundamental Concepts, Predictive and...
Author- VK Choudhary, K Rajesh Choudhary This book, which has been finalized after empirical studies, is primarily for meeting this demand through an integrated and systematically consolidated approach for analytically...
IMPACT Of Rahu & Ketu ( Based On Systems Approach For Interpreting Horoscopes ) Author- VK Choudhary, K Rajesh Choudhary A Book for the study of the role of Rahu...
Impact Of Ascending Zodiac Signs( Based On Principles Of Systems Approach to Vedic Astrology ) Author- VK Choudhary, K Rajesh Choudhary IDENTIFYING IMPACT OF ASCENDING SIGNS Identifying impact of ascending...
Author- VK Choudhary, K Rajesh Choudhary Concepts and analytical techniques, insight, identifying prasna – prime determinants, afflictors, significators, timing events and recovery, application of preventive astral remedies, case studies- profession,...
Systems Approach For Interpreting Horoscopes Author- VK Choudhary, K Rajesh Choudhary Analytical Techniques for Predictions, Comprehension tools, Systems' Approach; Impact of Mysterious Rahu and Ketu, Impact of Exalted Functional Malefic...
FINANCIAL ASTROLOGY( Based on Systems Approach) ( English ) Author- VK Choudhary, K Rajesh ChoudharyFinancial astrology is an important aspect because beginning with survival to earning good wealth depends on...
INTERPRETING PLANETARY INFLUENCES ( English ) Author- VK Choudhary, K Rajesh Choudhary The basis of the divine knowledge of astrology is the Karma theory. The Karma theory is based on...