PREDICT WITH NAVAMSHA by VP Goel This book deals with the practical application of navamsha. Many aspects of navamsha like marriage, religious devotion, sixty fourth navamsha, vish navamsha and timing...
The Arudha pada system is a peculiar one in which degrees of planets, Vargas of signs, mathemati-cal calculations etc are not considered. Only the natal chart is enough. The predictions...
Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra (Vol 1) [English] Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra (Vol 2) [English] The most ancient scripture giving the very fundamental principles of vedic astrology as expounded by Maharishi...
In my research i found out that the information my guru wanted to give through his works are hidden and therefore I have written, celestial matrix, Orbital providence, Prashna Hora...
Saptamsha Se Phalit [Hindi] by VP Goel Publisher : Sagar Publications Books यह पुस्तक अनेक ज्योतिष प्रश्न जैसे संतान की संख्या और लिंग, संतान के जन्म का समय निर्धारण, संतान से...
This book has specially been written taking into considerations needs of students to comprehend astrology and be able to give correct predictions in shortest possible time.The author has made step...
The Ashtakvarga is recognized as an outstanding system of prediction among the several systems advocated in the standards works on astrology. It has been commended as the best and the...
Mystics Of Sarvato Bhadra Chakra And Astrological Predictions Sarvato Bhadra Chakra is an instrument which can most accurately predict and also verify correctness of astrological predictions. It can be successfully...
ज्योतिष शास्त्र के गूढ़ सिद्धान्तों को सही ढंग से समझने में कठिनाइयों का सामना करना पड़ता है और इसके परिणाम स्वरुप सही फलकथन नहीं कर पाते है l इससे वह...
SALIENT FEATURES OF THE BOOK - 'Muhurta' in Modern Context, at a glance. - Important 'Samskaras' Muhurtas and Yogas. - 'Ashtakvarga' an aid to 'Muhurta'. - Timing of Marriage-Parashari and...
Nadi Astrology ( English ) The Nadi Jyotish is a unique system of astrology.Nadi Granthas, the master pieces are systematically and scientifically completed treatises based on minutest parts (known as...