ज्योतिष, प्रारब्ध तथा काल चक्र ( तकनीक तथा भविष्यवाणियां ) Author-KN Rao पुस्तक में दी गयी रोचक घटनाए पठनीय है l यदि आप ज्योतिष शास्त्र से अनभिज्ञ भी है, तो...
Author- JN Bhasin योग्य ग्रंथकर्ता ने दशाफल में परम उपयोगी ग्रहों के स्वरूप को विशुद्ध रूप में देकर पुस्तक का प्रारम्भ क्रिया है । फिर गणित द्वारा दशा - अंतर्दशा...
Timing Events Through Vimshottary DashaAuthor: KN RaoPublisher: Vani Publications This book provides a comprehensive guide to using the Vimshottari Dasha system for accurately timing events in an individual’s life. KN...
Predicting through Jaimini Astrology Author- VP Goel Jaimini system of astrology is fascinating method. It is a great predictive tool for astrologers. Combined with Parasara system we can double check the...
जामीनी चार दशा से भविष्यवाणी लेखक: के. एन. राव | प्रकाशक: वाणी पब्लिकेशंस विवरण:जामीनी चार दशा से भविष्यवाणी में, के. एन. राव ने जामीनी ज्योतिष के सिद्धांतों का विस्तृत विश्लेषण...
Author- VP Goel Sages have commanded use of Yogini Dasha on all horoscopes. Life is not repeat of events every thirty six years and this prejudice is the biggest hurdle...
Predicting through Jaimini’s chara Dasha Author- KN Rao This is the most original, revolutionary and effective book over written on Jaimini Astrology, because; It shows how Jaimini’s karakas – Atma,...
strology Destiny and the Wheel of Time - Techniques and Predictions [English]Author: KN RaoPublisher: Vani Publications Dive deep into the world of Vedic astrology with Astrology Destiny and the Wheel...
Yogini Dasha Se Phalit (Hindi) by VP Goel यह पुस्तक योगिनी दशा पद्धति को अपने उस महत्वपूर्ण स्थान पर आसीन करती है, जो स्थान पराशर जी द्वारा दिया गया है।...
Vimshotari Dasha se Bhavishyavani Karna [Hindi]Author: KN RaoPublisher: Vani Publications Master the art of Vedic astrology with Vimshotari Dasha se Bhavishyavani Karna, an essential guide by renowned astrologer KN Rao....
Ups and Downs in Career [English]Author: KN RaoPublisher: Vani Publications Unlock the secrets to understanding career challenges with Ups and Downs in Career, a valuable guide by renowned astrologer KN...