DASHA NIRNAY – VIMSHOTTARI DASHA A MYSTERY Author- Z Ansari In course of time , Mr. Ansari did a deep research on kaal Sarpa Yoga. From here the arishta or...
विशोत्तरी दशा आधारभूत सूत्र विशोत्तरी दशा के आधारभूत सूत्र नामक इस संरचना में उपरोक्त आठों शोध प्रबन्धों से उदधृत महत्वपूर्ण सूत्र एवं सिद्धांत से सम्बंधित सामग्री ली गई है, जिसे...
Advance Study Of Vimshottari Dasha Author- KK Pathak Book in hand is really ‘Three is One’ Author has made successful exposition of Dasha Rules as delineated by Satyacharya which has...
The Dasa System dealt in this book is not found in any of the standard classical texts of astrology and the author learnt the same from one of his Tantrik...
Brihaspati Dasha Phaldipika बृहस्पति दशाफल दीपिका को अग्रांकित २१ अध्यायों में व्याख्यायित और विभाजित किया गया है जिसमे बृहस्पति की महादशा के फल के साथ - साथ बृहस्पति की महादशा...
This Dasa system is not found in any of the available standard samskrit texts of astrology and the scribe learnt it from a Tan-tra Sadhaka of very high order having...
Author- UK Jha About the Book: This Dasha has been dealt in detail by many scholars exhaustively in their commentary on the appertained Sanskrit Texts (BPHS, PD, JP, JDM). There...
CLASSICAL PREDICTIVE TECHNIQUES Author- KK Pathak "Classical Techniques of Prediction" is a textbook for those who desire to carry out an in-depth study of the subject in a systematic way...
सूर्य दशाफल दीपिका सूर्य दशाफल दीपिका को अग्रांकित १२ अध्यायों में व्याख्यापित किया गया है :- १. ज्योतिष शास्त्र में सूर्य का महत्व २. विशोत्तरी दशाफल निर्णय ३ दशाफल कथन...
Although many savants have discussed this Dasha in their articles/essays or commentary on "Jaimini Upadesh Sutra" (JUS) or other books appertained to Jaimini principles, this is the first time that...