Neelakantha's Subodhini (Commentary on Jaimini Sutras) [English] By K Guru RajeshPublisher: Bignote PublicationThe Subodhini commentary on Jaimini Sutras by Neelakantha holds a significant place in Jaimini Jyotisha literature. It is...
Nuances & Contradictions in Predictive Astrology [English] By B Hariharan Publisher: Big Note Publication Quotes from the Book Astrology, is a science where interpretations can be done in multiple ways....
Research On Reincarnation (Nandi Nadi Series) [English] By K Guru Rajesh Publisher: BigNote Publication Is reincarnation true? Is there any continuity of consciousness even after the death of a being?...
Past Life and Pending Karmas: Vedic Astrology Book for Beginners [English] By Jay Yadav Publisher: Bignote Publication Hindu philosophy believes in rebirth. If there are any desires left during the...
Rasi Tulya Vatsara Dasa: A Simple and Unique method of Timing Events [English] By K Guru Rajesh Publisher: Big Note Publication Imagine a dasa system which can broadly indicate the...
Jataka Chandrika is an astrology book authored by Vegesana Radhakrishna and published by Big Note Publication. This book delves into the principles and practices of astrology, providing insights into how celestial...
Astrology subject is prevalent all over the world, in different forms, from immemorial times. With present socio-economic globalization the subject of astrology is also gaining its popularity. Vedic astrology originated...
Timing Events Without Dasha - Bhrigu Astrology [English] By Jay Yadav Publisher: Bignote Publication Bhrigu Astrology is one of the oldest method of predicting past, present and future events, it is the...
Mahavastu: The Science of Balancing the 5 Elements [English] By Rraghavendra Saatvik Publisher: Bignote Publication This book will make you an expert in Maha Vastu Shastra ! Are you ready...
Lal Kitab Vividh Prakaran Vichar [Hindi] by Amar Agarwal लाल किताब का आधार सूरज है और जीवन का आगाज़ सूरज, सूरज गुरुब ज़रूर होता है लेकिन मरता नहीं उसी तरह...
Saral Vedic Jyotish [Hindi] By Punit Sharma Publisher: Bignote Publication Saral Vedic Jyotish" (सरल वैदिक ज्योतिष) by Punit Sharma is a comprehensive guide to Vedic astrology written in Hindi. The book aims...
The Perfect Marriage [English] By Jay Yadav Publisher: Bignote Publication According to Hindu sacred texts, marriage is one of the most important samskaras. According to Astrology, the seventh house from...