The present treatise called Prasnanushthana Paddhati or simply Anushthana Paddhati in short, is one of the most popular work on horary astrology from Kerala since several hundreds of years. It...
Analysis of Longevity - This book contains all methods of determination of longevity of a native. Calculation of the longevity of a native is not an easy task. All expert astrologers...
LAGHU PARASHARI & MADHYA PARASHARI Chandrashekhar has been learning Iyotish for over 50 years. He started learning when he was 8 years old, initially from his father. His grandmother was...
CHARISMA OF PLANETS : TIMING EVENTS Astrological analysis has tow components. The first is the deduction of likely trends in the life of a native. This determines the basic promise...
INTERPRETING PLANETARY INFLUENCES ( English ) The basis of the divine knowledge of astrology is the Karma theory. The Karma theory is based on the premise that the planetary influences...
The author has dwelt with the various remedies ranging from yoga, mantra, pooja, colour Therapy and other methods. This is a comprehensive book where the remedies have been related to...