THE LAWS OF SCIENTIFIC HAND READING (English) by William G Benham Publisher: Ajay Book Service There has never been conceived or made by man any instrument, machine,or contrivance, capable...
धुरन्धर ज्योतिषी अर्थार्त भाव प्रभाकर ज्योतिर्विधा के वास्तविक चमत्कार का महत्व हर किसी की समझ में नहीं आता, अतएव एक ऐसे ग्रन्थ के संकलन की परमावश्यकता थी कि जिसकी भाषा...
PALMISTRY SELF TAUGHT – With Fortune- Telling and hints on Character Reading from the face Though Palmistry is ignored by many, yet, in all civilized countries, not to speak of India, this...
ASTROLOGY –AN INTRODUCTION In the present day, when men of the greatest learning have turned their attention to Mesmerism, clairvoyance, Table-turning, and other similar subjects en-deavouring to find out whether...
प्राचीन त्रैलोकिय ज्योतिष शास्त्र यह त्रैलोकिय ज्योतिष शास्त्र ग्रन्थ अति प्राचीन है I 700 वर्ष पहले पूज्य श्री हेमप्रभसूरीजी नाम के जैनाचार्य हुए , उन्होंने यह उत्तम ग्रन्थ की रचना...
Ratno Dwara Bhagya Parivartan [Hindi] by Haridev Dwidvedi Publisher: Ajay Book Service रत्नों द्वारा भाग्य परिवर्तन डॉ. हरिदेव दिवेदी के द्वारा लिखी हुई पुस्तक " रत्नों द्वारा भाग्य परिवर्तन "...
A Guide For Astrologers-The One Hundred and Forty Six Consideration of the famous Astrologers There have been innumerable requests for writing a book on Palmistry. The author has written a...
Gems Guide For Successful Life CONTENTS Rasi and their Gems Palnet and their Gems Diseases and their Gems 1. Diseases and Gems 2. Health and Happiness 3. Wealth and Prosperity...