PALMISTRY SELF TAUGHT – With Fortune- Telling and hints on Character Reading from the face Though Palmistry is ignored by many, yet, in all civilized countries, not to speak of India, this...
ASTROLOGY –AN INTRODUCTION In the present day, when men of the greatest learning have turned their attention to Mesmerism, clairvoyance, Table-turning, and other similar subjects en-deavouring to find out whether...
A Guide For Astrologers-The One Hundred and Forty Six Consideration of the famous Astrologers There have been innumerable requests for writing a book on Palmistry. The author has written a...
Gems Guide For Successful Life CONTENTS Rasi and their Gems Palnet and their Gems Diseases and their Gems 1. Diseases and Gems 2. Health and Happiness 3. Wealth and Prosperity...
SAMUDRIKA SIKSHA OR PALMISTRY From author these verbal instructions have been given to me in the form of important hints and suggestions which are not to be found in any...
Palmistry the Complete Guide with Handwriting Analysis and Body Mole Effects [English] by BN Panda (Biswanath Panda) Publisher: Ajay Book Service The highlight of the book is 81 Illustrations....
Practical Astrology - A Simple Method of Casting Horoscopes [English] by Comte C De Saint Germain Publisher: Ajay Book Service PREFACE This volume is intended to fill a want not yet covered...
THE INFLUENCE OF THE STAR(with Ilustirations) Author- Rosa Baughan Of all sciences that have at any time engaged the attention of the world, there is none more ancient than astrology....
Author- Rosa Baughan For those who look upon the study of Palmistry and Graphology but as a frivolous pastime unworthy of serious attention, the little book on chirognomancy, or indications...