BHRIGU SUTRAM Just as celestial bodies represent the almighty so does a sage in many ways Bhrigu Rishi with his divine insight, not fruitfully possessed by an ordinary mortal, created...
Hora Shatak [English] by J.N. Bhasin Hora Shatak by J.N. Bhasin is an exceptional work that delves into the practical aspects of predictive astrology. It presents a hundred unique combinations...
बृहत् पाराशर होराशास्त्रम ज्योतिष शास्त्र के प्रवतरको में महर्षि पराशर का सर्वोच्च स्थान है l पाराशर होराशास्त्रम भारतीय ज्योतिष में सर्वोपरि माना जाता है l वास्तव में पाराशर सिद्धान्तों का...
Vedic Nakshatra Jyotish (Vedic Celestial Astrology) [Hindi] by S.C. Mishra (Suresh Chandra Mishra) Dive into the mystical world of Vedic Nakshatra Jyotish, where the secrets of the stars unfold to...
Book Title: Sapta Rishi NadiLanguage: EnglishPublisher: Ranjan Publications Description:"Sapta Rishi Nadi" is a detailed exploration of one of the most profound and ancient systems of astrology, focusing on the teachings...
Book Title: Rectification of Birth TimeAuthor: PS SastriLanguage: EnglishPublisher: Ranjan Publications Description:"Rectification of Birth Time" by PS Sastri is a comprehensive guide to the critical astrological technique of birth time...
Book Title: Bhava ManjriAuthor: SC Mishra (Suresh Chandra Mishra)Language: HindiPublisher: Ranjan Publications Description:"Bhava Manjri" by SC Mishra (Suresh Chandra Mishra) is a detailed and insightful guide into the study of...
SECRETS OF VIMSHOTTARI DASA Timing of events has been a hard nut to crack in Astrology. Out of the different methods prevalent Vimshottari Dasa System is the most reliable one...
JAIMINI SUTRAM (COMPLETE) The complete Text is in four chapters. Their Karakamsa, Arudha, Upapada and Navamsa are explained in the first chapter. The second chapter deals with longevity, diseases, profession,...
भुवन दीपक प्रश्न का फल विचार करने हेतु प्राथमिक जानकारी प्रत्येक भाव से विचारणीय प्रश्न प्रश्नकालीन लग्न एवं चन्द्रमा के महत्व का निरूपण लग्नेश और कार्येश के सम्बन्ध से कार्य...
Book Title: Sanketa NidhiAuthor: GS Kapoor (Gauri Shankar Kapoor)Publisher: Ranjan PublicationsLanguage: English Description:"Sanketa Nidhi" by GS Kapoor (Gauri Shankar Kapoor) is a comprehensive guide to understanding the secrets of astrological...
PRASNA VIDYA - Hindiविद्वान दैवज्ञ को सर्वप्रथम जातक या प्र्श्न विचार करते समय मनुष्यों की आयु की परीक्षा करनी चाहिए l आयु विचार के उपरान्त ही शेष शुभाशुभ फलों की परीक्षा करना...