Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra (2 Volume Set) (English) Author- R Santhanam & GS Kapoor One can safely say that hindu astrology took its birth through the teachings of parasara, the...
An excellent and rare work containing principles on predictive astrology Exclusive aphorisms from authoritative treatises on Hindu Astrology fully enrich this work. To cite an instance: If the lord of...
HORA SARA By Prithuyasas Son Of Varahmihira ( English ) Author- R Santhanam This is a book on horosocopy by Prithuyasas, the son of the great Acharaya Varahamihira, “Shatpanchasika”- the...
Garga –Hora Human being have always wanted to look ahead and to a large extent are capable of doing so. Of all the methods of prediction in vogue, astrology is...