Research On Reincarnation (Nandi Nadi Series) [English] By K Guru Rajesh Publisher: BigNote Publication Is reincarnation true? Is there any continuity of consciousness even after the death of a being?...
The present treatise called Prasnanushthana Paddhati or simply Anushthana Paddhati in short, is one of the most popular work on horary astrology from Kerala since several hundreds of years. It...
Neelakantha's Subodhini (Commentary on Jaimini Sutras) [English] By K Guru RajeshPublisher: Bignote PublicationThe Subodhini commentary on Jaimini Sutras by Neelakantha holds a significant place in Jaimini Jyotisha literature. It is...
This Jyotih Pradeepika manuscript is very different from the other versions. It is partial and discusses only 24 Sutras of the 1st quarter of chapter 1 of Jaimini Sutras. However,...
Jataka Sara Sangraha [English] By K Guru Rajesh Publisher: BigNote Publications Jaimini system is a highly practical method which helps its practitioners to reach quick conclusions regarding the events and their...
Blind Chart Analysis [English] By K Guru Rajesh Publisher: BigNote Publications ‘Blind chart analysis’ is a procedure in which an astrologer predicts the past events and present condition of a native...
Rasi Tulya Vatsara Dasa: A Simple and Unique method of Timing Events [English] By K Guru Rajesh Publisher: Big Note Publication Imagine a dasa system which can broadly indicate the...
Hora Phala Ratnavali [English] By K Guru Rajesh Publisher: BigNote PublicationsThe Horaphalaratnavali, a Malayalam commentary on the initial eight chapters of Brihajjataka, runs as a dialogue between a teacher and his...
Applied Vedic Astrology [English] By K Guru Rajesh Publisher: BigNote Publications This book contains eighteen articles of the author published in various astrological journals, starting from 2003 to 2017. Contents of...