Prashna Sandarshanam [Hindi] by SC Mishra (Suresh Chandra Mishra) Publisher: Pranav Publications मन में उठने वाले न जाने कैसे -कैसे प्रश्न कभी संशय और दुविधा की उमड़ घुमड़ मचाते है तो...
Nobody can deny the importance of natal astrology and the natal chart but the horary astrology is decidedly more important than the natal astrology. The former is used even in...
प्रश्न ज्ञान प्रश्न विषय पर यह लघुकाय पुस्तक अनूठी है l ७० आर्या छन्दों में आवश्यक व् प्रामाणिक प्रश्नोपयोगी सामग्री का संकलन करके भट्टोत्प्ल ने वास्तव में बड़ा उपकार किया...
Interrogation or horary Astrology- This is the most popular and useful branch of astrology. In this branch, the client approaches the astrologer with a question about the future of an...
HORA MAKARAND “Hora Makarand” seems to have been penned by the author with a view to synthesizing views of various earlier writers ranging from Parasara to Satyacharya and Vatahamihira needless...
One Minute Prashna Based On Jyotika Sthanam Prashna Pantha Over the years, I have worked on different Prashna Systems. Each having its own set of rules which need to be...