Prashna shastra l & ll Author- Deepak Kapoor An excellent book on Horary astrology which covers the entire gamut of this vast subject. Based on classical principles, this book not...
Author- RG Rao The BRUGHU PRASHNA NADI is a collection of the Systematic Study of The Great Oriental Sciences of Nadi System of the past which is result oriented (in...
HORA SARA By Prithuyasas Son Of Varahmihira ( English ) Author- R Santhanam This is a book on horosocopy by Prithuyasas, the son of the great Acharaya Varahamihira, “Shatpanchasika”- the...
Bhattotpala, as goes the Sloka 1 or the 70th, the last one, of the book `Prasanagnana' maintains that he has composed this work in seventy verses on the Horary, the...
The present treatise called Prasnanushthana Paddhati or simply Anushthana Paddhati in short, is one of the most popular work on horary astrology from Kerala since several hundreds of years. It...
This book on Horary system of Astrology after praying in God that the Truth which dawned in my mind, may be well explained, properly illustrated and exhaustively dealt with in...
Prashna Hora - Horary Astrology & Cosmic Psyche in Classical & Nadi [English] by Satyanarayana Naik Publisher: Sagar Publications This book deals with Horary Astrology in general and Naadi Prashna Hora...
Nobody can deny the importance of natal astrology and the natal chart but the horary astrology is decidedly more important than the natal astrology. The former is used even in...
HORA MAKARAND Author- Gunakar'S “Hora Makarand” seems to have been penned by the author with a view to synthesizing views of various earlier writers ranging from Parasara to Satyacharya and...
Author- VK Choudhary, K Rajesh Choudhary Concepts and analytical techniques, insight, identifying prasna – prime determinants, afflictors, significators, timing events and recovery, application of preventive astral remedies, case studies- profession,...