The BRUGHU PRASHNA NADI is a collection of the Systematic Study of The Great Oriental Sciences of Nadi System of the past which is result oriented (in an incredible manner)...
Bhattotpala, as goes the Sloka 1 or the 70th, the last one, of the book `Prasanagnana' maintains that he has composed this work in seventy verses on the Horary, the...
Prashna Hora - Horary Astrology & Cosmic Psyche in Classical & Nadi [English] by Satyanarayana Naik Publisher: Sagar Publications This book deals with Horary Astrology in general and Naadi Prashna Hora...
HORA MAKARAND “Hora Makarand” seems to have been penned by the author with a view to synthesizing views of various earlier writers ranging from Parasara to Satyacharya and Vatahamihira needless...
Prashna or Horary that has been dealt in this book is the most important branch of Astrology. In Prashna which primarily deals with the query of a native, the whole...
Prashan Vichar ( Ek Vaidik Drishtikon ) - Hindi पुस्तक-सार अनंतकाल से प्रशन शास्त्र एक बहुत लोकप्रिय,अद्वितीय और सटीक तकनीक रही है जो जातक की तत्काल चिंताओं / परेशानियों का समाधान...
PREFACE ALTHOUGH I have devoted the major portion of my energies to the study of Natal Astrology, the fact cannot be ignored that Horary Astrology also has its place in...
The author has discussed the following points in the book 1)Vedic approach to prashna, need & utility of prashna 2)Basic concepts of signs, Nakshatras, Houses & Significators 3)General concepts of...