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  • SKU: KAB0089

Scientific Matching of Horoscopes [English]

₹ 120.00 ₹ 150.00
  • Product Type: Book
  • Barcode: 9788188230782


If face of so many difficulties what can a human being, an astrologer guide do, is to make the best use of his/her abilities and guide the persons. In the first chapter we have tried to study the nature and psychological mould of persons to see if they are at all fit to be married.

In the second chapter an attempt has been made to find out if the two persons proposing to marry can tie the nuptial knot. The first thing to be seen is whether providence has any inclination to bless them with marital bliss. If even one of them is deprived from this privilege there is no need to proceed further in the matter. If both of them are allowed this privilege we have to find out whether two persons are meant for each other. This is an attempt to creep into the dark room and arrive at our own conclusion. The basis of our conclusion is the coincidence of the probable period of marriage. If the periods broadly coincide we take it that they “may be” for each other and proceed further. Next step is to judge the longevity of each of them and their ages of marriage. This, however, stands no guarantee for the long continuity of married life. For an assurance of this point we have judged the unfortunate factors leading to widowhood or widowerhood.

To be more sure about the sure about the long married life we have in the third chapter dealt with the evil play of malefic like Mars and others. After this study the fourth chapter has been devoted to judging the nuptial compatibility of the proposed partners. Ashta kootas is the basis of this compatibility.

Orthodoxy and conservatism have given way today to open society and cosmopolitan culture. Love marriage, inter caste and inter continental and inter –racial marriages were quite rare in olden days. They have become the order of our present times. Chapter 5 deals with love marriage etc.

In the 6th chapter, to help our valued readers, we have added some information about the signs of the Zodic and planets relevant to our subject. Chapter 7 deals with Remedial Measures and finally in the 8 the chapter we have concluded the entire discussion.