Planets and Children Author: KN Rao | Publisher: Vani Publications Description:In Planets and Children, KN Rao explores the profound influence of planetary positions on the lives and personalities of children....
Kundali Milan - Match Makingलेखक: KN Raoप्रकाशक: वाणी पब्लिकेशन यह पुस्तक वैदिक ज्योतिष के आधार पर कुंडली मिलान की गहराई से व्याख्या करती है। इसमें विवाह के लिए वर-वधू की...
Single Women and Astrology - Avivahit Mahilayen aur Jyotish [Hindi]Author: K.N. Rao | Publisher: Vani Publications Explore the fascinating connection between astrology and the lives of single women with "Avivahit...
Planets and Education (Volume 1)Authors: KN Rao, Naval SinghPublisher: Vani Publications This book explores the influence of planets on education and academic success through Vedic astrology. It provides a detailed...
Your Children and Your KarmasAuthor: KN RaoPublisher: Vani Publications This book explores the deep connection between parental karma and the destiny of their children through Vedic astrology. KN Rao provides...
Delayed Marriage of Girls - Ladkiyon ki Shadi Mein Vilamb [Hindi]Author: KN RaoPublisher: Vani Publications Ladkiyon ki Shadi Mein Vilamb is an insightful book by the renowned astrologer KN Rao,...
Successful Marriages With Jupiter In Simha ( A Research) Author- KN Rao If you marry when Jupiter is in Simha does it ruin a marriage? Has it occured to you...
Astrology and Timing Of Marriage ( A Scientific Approach) Author- KN Rao The study was conducted on 218 charts. In all the cases marriage had taken place and the date...
SALIENT FEATURES OF THE BOOK - 'Muhurta' in Modern Context, at a glance. - Important 'Samskaras' Muhurtas and Yogas. - 'Ashtakvarga' an aid to 'Muhurta'. - Timing of Marriage-Parashari and...
ग्रह और संतान Author- KN Rao
इस पुस्तक का गहन अध्ययन कीजिए I ऐसा करके आप भविष्यवाणी कर पाएंगे -
१ संतान के जन्म की
२ संतान के साथ दुर्घटना इत्यादि की
३ संतानहीनता की समस्या तथा उसके दैवीय उपाय की तथा संतानहीनता और उसके साथ घटित होने वाली दुर्घटनाओं से निजात पाने की
४ संतान विषय पर ऐसी पुस्तक प्रकाशित नहीं हुई I
५ प्रसूति रोग विशेषज्ञ जो ज्योतिष जानते है इस पुस्तक से लाभ उठा सकते है और वे ज्योतिषी-सहानुभूति रखने वाले प्रसूति- रोग विशेषज्ञों की मदद कर सकते है, इस पुस्तक के माध्यम से, उनको ज्योतिषीय सहायता देकर जिसकी उन्हें बहुत आवश्य्कता होती है I
Grah Aur Santaan
This book of SCP is all about problems created by separative planets, and their wrong placement in the chart for married life. The chart and navmasa chart is studied not...
Interpreting Divisional Charts [English]Authors: N.N. Sharma, K.N. Rao | Publisher: Vani Publications Master the art of analyzing divisional charts with "Interpreting Divisional Charts", an essential guide co-authored by N.N. Sharma...