SALIENT FEATURES OF THE BOOK By LC Sharma - 'Muhurta' in Modern Context, at a glance. - Important 'Samskaras' Muhurtas and Yogas. - 'Ashtakvarga' an aid to 'Muhurta'. - Timing...
Author- Deepak Bhardwaj This book of SCP is all about problems created by separative planets, and their wrong placement in the chart for married life. The chart and navmasa chart...
पुस्तक की विशेषताएं ग्रंथों में दिए गए सूत्र सैकड़ों वर्षों पहले के हैं उन्हें समझना और प्रयोग करना सरल नहीं है क्योंकि विवाह के सम्बन्ध में जो सूत्र लिखे...
How to Analyse Married Life Author- VK Choudhary, K Rajesh Choudhary The marriage is an institution for continuance of mankind. Those blessed with a peaceful and happy married life contribute...
Marrige & Its Parameters Through Astrology [English] By Er. PL Khushu Publisher: Sagar Publications Marriage & Its Parameters Through Astrology [English]: Explore the intricate world of marriage through the lens of astrology...
Planets & Children Authors: VK Choudhary, K Rajesh Choudhary | Publisher: Sagar Publications Description:In Planets & Children, VK Choudhary and K Rajesh Choudhary explore the deep connection between astrology and...
Basics of Nakshatra Padhathi( Marriage, Profession & Health) Author- MK Viswanath This book contains1) Stellar system in astrology2) Significations of Nodes3) Marriage and Dasha Vidhana Ponthanam4) Placement of Stars in Rashi...
Author- NS Dahiya On the basis of astrological studies of birth charts which amply reveal in advance, the physical characteristics, mental aptitude or nature of spouse, background of in-laws family,...
Factes of Marriage & ‘The 7th House’ Author- Aparna Sharma Fire element corresponds with spiritual processes in man. Earth element corresponds with physical processes. Air element corresponds with mental processes. Water...
Matching For Marriage " By Kootas and Birthcharts " Author- S Natarajan In this book the author has explained not only the rules for various koota agreements, but also given...
गृहस्थ जीवन में ग्रहों के प्रभाव [हिंदी]लेखक: एन. एस. दहिया गृहस्थ जीवन में ग्रहों के प्रभाव एन. एस. दहिया द्वारा लिखा गया एक गहन पुस्तक है, जो यह बताती है...
Know About ZODIAC SIGNS( For Health, Love, Profession, Etc. & Yearly Transit Prediction From 2010 To 2021 AD ) Author- Shanker Adawal This is the first book which would interest...