कर्मठगुरु --- मुकुन्दवल्लभ मिश्र (' भ्रमोच्छेदनी ' टिप्पणियों से युक्त) कर्मकाण्ड करानेवाले विद्वानों के लिए यह अमूल्य निधि है। इसको पास में रखने से सामान्य ज्ञान वाला व्यक्ति भी आसानी...
Siva Sutras [English] by Jaideva Singh Publisher: Motilal Banarsidass Publication Books (MLBD) Consciousness as the Ultimate Reality: The text emphasizes that everything in the universe, including individual beings, is a manifestation...
A unique publication on Hindu astrology which exposes everyday human problems like education, sex, marriage, job, finance, ill-health and death in the most revealing manner. If you have a problem,...