This book is the book of practical of ostrology of timing of events. The dynamic tools used ore Char Dasha and progress Yogini Dasha. Saptarishi Astrology started its Delhi chapter...
Jaimini Sutram - Sampuran (Hindi) by SC Mishra
जैमिनी सूत्रम - सुरेश चंद्र मिश्रा
जैमिनी के सभी उपलब्ध सूत्रों का हिन्दी भाष्य राशियों की विशेष दृष्टि का प्रकार कारकांश लग्न से सभी प्रकार का फलादेश पद लग्न व् आपकी आर्थिक दृष्टि उपपद लग्न व् आपका दाम्पत्य जीवन , जीविका, व्यवसाय व् रोग -निर्णय, आयु - निर्णय का विस्तृत व्आ प्रामाणिक मार्ग यशस्वी, ग्रन्थकार व् भाग्यशाली होना केमद्रुम योग का अनोखा विचार कारागार योग, सुख, स्वभाव, चरित्र व् स्त्री- रोग अपनी कुंण्डली से पुत्र की जन्म - कुंण्डली जानना अस्वाभाविक, दर्दनांक या स्वाभाविक मरण अनेक प्रसिद्ध व् अप्रिसद्ध दशा प्रकार व् फल जैमनीय मत में राजयोग एक नया ढंग मारक स्थान, मारक दशा व् मारक रोग आधान लग्न से ही संतान का लिंग -वर्ण स्त्री जातक के गुड़ आ विशेष नियम षड्वर्गो का फलादेश - एक विशेषता नवम आ सप्तम स्थान भी पुत्र स्थान, भाव लग्न, घटी लग्न, होरा लग्न आदि से फलादेश l
Predicting through Jaimini ‘s Sthira Dasha For many years we have struggled with Sthira Dasha because it was found that if one followed what was advocated by many writers like...
SUBTLETIES OF MEDICAL ASTROLOGY The Subtleties of Medical Astrology is the second and more advanced, work on medical astrology by the author who is both an astrologer and a surgeon....
PATAKI RISHT CHAKRA In our research class when I talked about the Pataki Risht Chakra and told how some traditional astrologers made brilliant use of it and gave stunning predictions...
Among various Vargas, the relative importance of Navamsha is universally acclaimed. Astrologers consider it to be just next to birth chart or equal to birth chart or even better than...
In this book the first part speaks about significations of planets, signs and houses in a elaborated way. The speciality of this book is formulas in ashtakavarga system of timing...
These palm leaves containing the valuable information on the life and death of human beings were preserved and handed down to their disciples. Each collection is named after the particular...
As per classics there could be four goals in human life- Dharma, Artha, Kaam & Moksha. However in the materialistic world of today, most of us think, plan and act...