  • SKU: TR002

The Oiginal Rider Waite Tarot Deck By A.E. Waite [English]

₹ 1,121.00 ₹ 1,180.00

The Oiginal Rider Waite Tarot Deck By A.E. Waite Book

Arthur Edward Waite (1857 1942) was a scholar of occultism and a leading member of the Order of the Golden Dawn. He collaborated with a young artist, Pamela Coleman Smith, who designed according to his instructions a set of Tarot cards which have enjoyed universal acclaim ever since their first publication by Rider in 1910. The rich, figurative designs, with their precise and many-layered imagery, have helped people all over the world to understand and enjoy the unique language of the Tarot. This leaflet includes divinatory meanings for the twenty-two cards of the Major or Greater Arcana and the fifty-six cards of the Minor or Lesser Arcana. It also includes instructions on the art of divination. This information has been taken from A.F. Waite's The Key to the Tarot, which is recommended to readers seeking more detail about the history and symbolism of the Tarot.

Tarot Card