  • SKU: KAB0930

Nashta Jatakam [English]

₹ 80.00 ₹ 100.00
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Author- Mukunda Daivajna 

One of the most difficult parts of astrology is to construct the horoscopes of those whose birth details are not known. Here again, Hindu astrology merits the pride of place for the manner in which it has tackled this subject. There is fair unanimity amongst classical writers regarding the methods to be employed to identify the birth data. NASTA JATAKAM, an English translation of which is here-in presented by Mr. R. Santhanam, is authored by Mukunda Daivajna. The guidelines given in the work are reliable, easy and fascinating enabling one to cast the horoscope of one who does not know his birth date and time. The methods presented, can be of great practical importance especially to non-Hindus, who may not know when they were born. Mr. R. Santhanam who has rendered the book into English is a youngman, full of enthusiasm to tackle the intricate problems of astrology. He has been a regular contributor to THE ASTROLOGY. MAGAZINE. He has a good grasp of tbs subject and the capacity for presenting the ancient principles in a clear and convincing manner. Mr. Santhanam's translation is clear and close to the original and the guidelines and suggestions given by him can be of much practical value to all astrological students and savants. This appears to be the first attempt to present in English language methods based on classical astrology dealing with the intridate subject of unknown horoscopes. While commending the book to all those intrested in astro-logy, I wish the author success in his laudable attempts to make available valuable ancient astrological texts to the English-knowing public.