  • SKU: KAB2417

Krishnamurthy Paddhati [English]

₹ 105.00 ₹ 150.00
  • Product Type: Book
  • Barcode: 9788194105916

Krishnamurthy Paddhati [English] by Arun Bansal Books

Publisher: AIFAS - Future Point Books

Maharshi Parashar and Jaimini are the legends of Astrology who propounded two different systems of Astrology. After these legends, many great acharyas like Varahmihir, Mantreshwar, Prithuyashas etc. analyzed these theories and added some new dimensions to it. Next in the series of great scholars of Astrology is Shri K. S. Krishnamurthy who developed some new theories and after long research found the principles enumerated by him to be true and authentic. Krishnamurthy gave much impetus to constellations & stars in comparison to planets and found that the stars give more authentic results. Any event can be accurately pinpointed and even date and time of any event can be calculated by Krishnamurthy system. Ruling planets play significant role in the timing of events. This book has specially been designed for the students of All India Federation of Astrologers' Societies but the students interested to know this subject can also get benefitted equally with the study of this book. KP Astrology.