Rigved (4 Volumes Set) [Hindi] By Vedant TeerthPublisher: Manoj Publications Rigved (4 Volumes Set) [Hindi]" by Vedant Teerth, published by Manoj Publications, is an extensive collection that offers a translation and...
Atharvved (2 Volumes Set) [Hindi] By Vedant TeerthPublisher: Manoj Publications Atharvved (2 Volumes Set) [Hindi]" by Vedant Teerth, published by Manoj Publications, is a comprehensive work that presents the Atharvaveda,...
अर्थववेद (भाग-२) Author- Vedant Teerth अर्थववेद को वैदिक साहित्य में 'ब्रह्मवेद ', भैषज्यवेद ' और 'अथर्वगिरस ' नाम से भी पुकारा जाता है l अधर्वा और अंगिरस नामक ऋषि इस...