  • SKU: KAB0078

Vedanga Jyotisham [English]

₹ 200.00 ₹ 250.00
  • Product Type: Book
  • Barcode: 9788188230502

VEDANGA JYOTISHAM Author- SC Mishra (Suresh Chandra Mishra)

Vedanga jyotisham (v) is the ancient work on the discipline called Vedic Astrology. This petite composition was sermonized by sage Lagadha about 3500 years ago in the Vedanga period.

The text of the work separately pertains to the Rigveda and Yajurveda, to gether is known as vj.

Like the Vedas, the work has been handed down through oral transmission only. * The ring. Vj has never been separately explained, while the oldest commentary on the yajur vj is accredited to somakara, supposed to have lived around the age of Buddha.

· The Teeka of somakara reveals the existence of some other Teekas anterior to his time, which are yet to be traced.

· Therefore, in the 19” century only, the vj attracted the attention of western as well as of far superior Indian scholars.

· 525 shlokas speak volumes.

· Fully supported by parashara in his early sermons.

· Followed by Veda-Vyasa and sage Garga, etc.

· The rules cited herein, surprisingly still give precise results.