  • SKU: KAB0454

Longevity and Life Span [English]

₹ 152.00 ₹ 190.00
  • Product Type: Book
  • Barcode: 9789383811038

Author- PM Gopalachary

This book on Longevity is an extended study on the principles of Longevity in Indian Astrology. Starting with the various concepts as depicted in different texts, the author analyses the different types, combinations, nature of different ayurdayas. The different causes for longevity of the native like place, nature, etc. are correlated with live examples of personalities. The Basic tenets for determining the longevity from  drekkanas, Jaimini astrology, pidayu method,  kalachakra dasa, ashtakavarga, Krishnaorrthy padhathi, are enunciated. The influence of Nakshatras, maraka periods in the natives life, are explained with examples of horoscopes.  the importance of the seventh house in one’s longevity is well brought out. This book will guide the learner as well as the practicing astrologer to arrive at a plausible life term of a native by proper use of this book.

  1. M. Gopalachary,  hails from Nellore, and retired as the Head of the Department of Oriental Languages, in V R College, Nellore. Author’s articles  have been publisdhed Astrological Magazine, Planets and Forecast, etc.  He has persued  research  in different Vedic Astrological systems, and in Chinese, Burmese and Western Astrological Systems also, Member in ICAS; Magi Society; American Federation of Astrologers, U S A; International Society for Astrological Research; and Feng Shui Socieity of U. K