In Krishnamurti Paddhati, great importance is given to Cusp Sub-lords. In this book, the results of all the twelve Cusp Sub-lords are given in detail with respect to their significations...
This book attempts to bridge the gap between traditional Vaastushastra and. modern architecture. The cosmic effects of a wrong vaastu and the remedial approaches are discussed at length. Virtues of...
"वस्तु - वास्तु - तथास्तु " इन त्रिविध आयामों का जिसमे ज्ञान होता है, उसको वास्तुशास्त्र कहते है I वस्तु जो है वह अचर है, वास्तु जो है वह ऊर्जास्वरूप...
Remedial Industrial Vastu [English] By NH Sahasrabudhe Publisher: Prajakt Prakashan Dr. N. H. Sahasrabuddhe is a consultant from Pune with 40 years of experience in structural engineering. He holds a...