  • SKU: KAB0450

Muhoortha Sangraha (Volume 2) (Muhoortha Tables) [English]

₹ 200.00 ₹ 250.00
  • Product Type: Book
  • Barcode: 9789383811052


This book in 2 volumes comes very handy to a layman, to understand how a suitable time for each activity is slected. Our present effort is a study in detail and collate the volley of information found scattered in different texts on the Muhoortha branch of astrology, analyze, understand some of the significant minutiae of Muhoortha and present them cogently in the form of a handbook for easy reference and assimilation.

In the first volume, starting with the basic concepts of time, he delves into the history of time, and divisions of time. The short history of calendar takes the reader to the different calendar systems prevalent during the years and takes the reader to the foundations of time and starts with the fundamentals of muhoortha and its character. The next chapter on Muhoortha doashas is excellent in content on muhoortha blemishes and how they can be remedied with simple selection of change of time. The chapter on Nakshatra and suitable deeds, contain muhoortha for deeds that are best suited  to each Nakshatra. The deeds have been selected to suit the modern day requirements as well. The samskaaras chapter delves deep into the history of various samskaaras as prescribed in different classics and its relevance to each samskaaras. The chapter  analyses each samskaaras based on different classics like Muhoortha padavi,Madhaveeyam, kalaprakasika, kalavidhanam, etc.

In this book great effort has been made by Sri.V.S. kalyanraman to elucidate the fundamental principles of arriving at a acceptable muhoortha. In fact this book is a comprehensive analysis of all the classics on Muhoortha.