Excerpts from reviews: "Lad conveys that Ayurveda regards the human body and its sensory experiences as manifestations of cosmic energy expressed in the five basic elements. ... to sum up,...
कर्मठगुरु --- मुकुन्दवल्लभ मिश्र (' भ्रमोच्छेदनी ' टिप्पणियों से युक्त) कर्मकाण्ड करानेवाले विद्वानों के लिए यह अमूल्य निधि है। इसको पास में रखने से सामान्य ज्ञान वाला व्यक्ति भी आसानी...
This monumental work on Vedic mathematics unfolds a new method of approach. It relates to the truth of numbers and magnitudes equally applicable to all sciences and arts. Book Today...
The names 'Bhaskaracarya' and 'Lilavati' are well-known. If a student displays outstanding talent in Mathematics, the school teacher lovingly calls the student second Bhaskaracaryaî. Many legends about Lilavati are in...