In India, the way in which Naksatravidya, the science of stars, has been thought of even in the Vedic literature shows that it was regarded as one of the intellectual...
विंशोत्तरी दशा के नाम से प्रख्यात पद्धति का भारतीय ज्योतिष में ऊँचा स्थान है। पराशर की इस पद्धति का उपयोग भारतीय ज्योतिषवेत्ता फल-प्रतिपादन के लिए प्राचीन काल से करते आ...
Three Hundred Important Combinations is intended to provide knowledge of the Yogas which indicate specific horoscopic trends. All planetary combinations are divided into two groups viz., Yogas and Aristhas or...
"By providing a clear, succinct and easily available introduction to the nakshatras or lunar mansions of Vedic astrology, Dr. Harness has filled a great need. His fine work will be...