PRACTICAL REMEDIAL MEASURES Author- LR Chawdhri The methods of Propitiations or Upayes for malefic planets in the birth chart have been explained in a simple ways, stand tested by the...
Most of the principles and combinations incorporated in this book were laid down by our ancient Rishis thousands of years ago. They are all tested and verified combinations. The author...
HEALING TOUCH OF MEDICAL ASTROLOGY Author- Mridula Trivedi, TP Trivedi Healing touch of medical astrology unravels the humane face of medical astrology. The renowned astrologer – duo lay bare the...
Medical Astrology (Concepts and Case Studies) (Volume 1) [English] by N.E. Muthuswami 📖 Publisher: CBH🔍 Language: English🔮 Category: Astrology | Medical Astrology Medical Astrology (Concepts and Case Studies) (Volume 1)...
Author- NE Muthuswami An exhaustive and comprehensive study of the theory and application of astrological principles in the determination of the root cause for difficult and untracable diseases. The book...
Nakshatra System On Medical Astrology The Book covers around 140 natal horoscopes made out with charts in South-North style giving planetary positions and birth data correctly mentioned. The horoscope covers medical...
ESSENTIALS OF MEDICAL ASTROLOGY Author- KS Charak The Essentials of Medical astrology is the standard book on Vedic astrology which lays down detailed principles relevant to the analysis of a...
Medical astrology is the art and science of evaluating and predicting disease susceptibilities and possibilities from the astrological horoscope. This method is unique and brilliant as the disease possibility can...