KP & Astrology 2021 [English] by Krishman KP & Astrology 2021" in English seems to be a reference to a book, journal, or publication related to KP (Krishnamurti Paddhati) Astrology,...
Krishnamurthy Paddhati [English] by Arun Bansal Books Publisher: AIFAS - Future Point Books Maharshi Parashar and Jaimini are the legends of Astrology who propounded two different systems of Astrology. After these legends,...
Astrology & Education Based on KP Stellar Astrology [English] By Sothidamamani Subramaniam Publisher: Krishnamurti Publications The new edition of Astrology and Education is now available at our store!The first of its kind...
2020 KP & ASTROLOGY KP astrology was extensively used to predict individual outcomes, such as career changes, health concerns, and relationship matters. The sub-lord theory and significator approach allowed astrologers...
KP Horary Tables Of Houses The KP Horary Tables of Houses are specifically designed charts that assist astrologers in determining the outcome of horary questions. These tables are based on...