The entire happenings in the life of a native are contained in the native's horoscope, and the only thing required is the accurate application of the principles in analysing the...
YOGAARNAVA (YOGAS IN INDIAN ASTROLOGY) Author- VS Kalyanraman This book is compilation of Yogas that are specific planetary combination, identifiable in any horoscope, which are deemed to have the special...
Author- VS Kalyanraman This book is an inspiring compilation of interesting and informative articles on the various characteristics of Indian Astrology. Taking the reader on an exhilarating excursion into the...
Author- VP Shukla The individual characteristics of the zodiacal houses have its own importance in assessing the behavior of the native as projected by the Astrological charts. The chapters in the...
Author- N Ramamurthy Among the Names Lalita is the best. among the Mantras Sree vidya is the best. and in Sreevidya the Kadividya is the best. Among the upasakas Paramasive...
Author- S Bhagyalakshmy Popular and selected compositions of Tyagaraja have been given in simple notation with the text of the songs in English. The notation has been given in simple...