Author- NE Muthuswami Gulika is a sensitive point in the Zodiac emerging at different points on different days. The rich and varied effects, good and bad in ones life are...
Interrogation or horary Astrology- This is the most popular and useful branch of astrology. In this branch, the client approaches the astrologer with a question about the future of an...
The most exhaustive information on various aspects of Indian Astrology. More than 300 full length articles, 15,000 words relating to Indian Astrology, 300 tables of various astrological data, comprehensive and...
Author- NE Muthuswami In the present book, the materials have been arranged in simple style comprising of smaller units in a systematic and comprehensive manner to enable the learner to...
Author- N Ramamurthy Among the Names Lalita is the best. among the Mantras Sree vidya is the best. and in Sreevidya the Kadividya is the best. Among the upasakas Paramasive...