Author- SK Duggal This book is a comprehensive volume based on vedic classical principles.The earlier chapters give in brief the basic principles of Astrology such as significations of the houses,planets...
ग्रह गोचर की सार्थक अभिव्यक्ति - हिंदी Author- SK Duggal जन्म कुंडली में लग्न और अन्य भाव, ग्रहों कि स्थिति, उनकी दृष्टियां व सम्बन्ध, योग एवं अरिष्ट एक अनुभवी ज्योतिषी के समक्ष जातक के व्यक्तित्व और...
Author- Shanker Adawal Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Planetary Transit In this book the author has tried to explain effects of transit of inner and outer planets, influence of ashtakvarga on...
Know About ZODIAC SIGNS( For Health, Love, Profession, Etc. & Yearly Transit Prediction From 2010 To 2021 AD ) Author- Shanker Adawal This is the first book which would interest...