Comprehensive Prediction By Divisional Charts (English) by VP Goel Three distinguishing features of Hindu Astrology are divisional charts, dasha systems and yogas. This book deals with divisional charts. We all...
विभिन्न वर्गों की तुलना में नवांश को अपेक्षाकृत महत्ता सभी लोगो ने स्वीकार की है l ज्योतिष इसे जन्म -कुंडली के ठीक बाद या समकक्ष या उससे भी बेहतर मानते...
दशमांश एक महत्वपूर्ण वर्ग कुंडली है | यह पुस्तक दशमांश के व्यावहारिक उपयोग से सम्बंधित है | शिक्षा , व्यवसाय , प्रमोशन , प्रसिद्धि, स्थानांतरण, सेवा निवृति , व्यापार अथवा...
Navansh Se Phalit (Hindi) - By VP Goel नवांश से फलित - हिंदी में (वी.पी गोयल) यह पुस्तक नवांश का व्यवहारिक प्रयोग दिखाती है l नवांश के अनेक आयाम जैसे विवाह,...
Predict With Trishamsa (English) - By VP Goel This book helps you in deciding your Trishamsha. Trishamsha can be a chart of fortune or a chart of misfortune. Parashar has...
NAVAMSA IN ASTROLOGY Navamsa occupies an outstanding position and has to be properly understood and interpretated for making precise prediction.The author has presented this book dealing with the subject in...
This book gives simple easy to apply rules to get the astrological answers to queries like number and sex of children, timing of birth of children, happiness or troubles from...
PREDICTING THROUGH NAVAMSA & NADI ASTROLOGY The Nadi Jyotisha is a unique system of astrology. The Nadi Granths on this system contain readymade horoscopes giving out the whole life- reading...
This book, which has been finalized after empirical studies, is primarily for meeting this demand through an integrated and systematically consolidated approach for analytically studying the divisional charts. At the...
Divisional Charts Divisional charts' are the keys to understanding horoscopes as they unlock that hidden door which refuses to open, even after the astrologer has examined the entire spectrum of...
Career is of utmost importance for all individuals. From childhood parents are worried about the future of their children. They are worried about the education of their children. The four...
PREDICT WITH NAVAMSHA This book deals with the practical application of navamsha. Many aspects of navamsha like marriage, religious devotion, sixty fourth navamsha, vish navamsha and timing of marriage are...