१ अष्टकवर्ग जैसे दुरूह एवं शुष्क विषय पर पहली बार एक दिलचस्प पुस्तक l २ अष्टकवर्ग का गणित एक उदहारण कुंडली द्वारा दर्शाया गया है l ३ सर्वाष्टकवर्ग के नियम विभिन्न कुंडलियों...
Author- Vinay Aditya • First ever book on Ashtakavarga which leads the student step-by-step to its application for everyday predictions. • Calculations of Ashtakavarga explained and worked out with an...
Author- Vinay Aditya Ashtakavarga is a unique system of Vedic Astrology, the parallel of which is found in no other astrological system. There are many books on Ashtakavarga that deal...