Author- MS Mehta It is only Ashtakvarga that will tell us about the strength and weakness of planets and ultimately the periods of happiness prosperity or turmoil and dejections. Great...
ASHTAKAVARGA ( Phalit ki Adhunik Vidhiyan) (Hindi) Author- MS Mehta अप्टकवर्ग भावों एवं ग्रहों के बलाबल के आंकलन करने की एक अद्वितीय पध्दति है और सटीक फलित करने में सही...
Author- CS Patel The Ashtakvarga is recognized as an outstanding system of prediction among the several systems advocated in the standards works on astrology. It has been commended as the...
Wonders of Ashtakavarga [English] by E Saravanan Publisher: Sagar Publications Readers may be surprised to see yet another book on the subject of Ashtakavarga. This book is Unique in many aspects and...