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  • SKU: KAB1316

Essence of Nadi Astrology [English]

₹ 383.00 ₹ 450.00
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Essence of Nadi Astrology(method of life Reading and Yogas Explained with 250 combinations)

At the time analyzing the Chart and predicting, if Jupiter is posited in the 2nd, 5th, 7th, and 9th, houses or if Jupiter comes to any one of these houses by interchange to the 3 planet ooooor 4 planet combination, the native will  have extra ordinary Administrative Power, Honour, Prosperity, Peace and Happiness in the 2nd part of his life. In addition to this, if can be said without any hesitation that he would have prosperity in 30th, 35th,  41th , 65th, 51th  54th  years. Even through the native will be an ordinary person and faced lot of hardship in the beginning of his life, he will gradually progress in the above said years.

When predicting for the combination of Saturn + Sun + Moon, if Jupiter is posited in the 5th 7th or 9th to this combination,  the native will have an administrative power and the likelihood of malefic effects would be least. In the beginning the native of this combination would be in an ordinary profession. In transit, when transit Satrun transits over the natal Jupiter the native will have lot of prosperity.

The important point is that when ever you receive a chart for analyzing first enter it in a ledger and later on distribute 4 the planets according to 4 directions and then analyze. If one follows this procedure it will be helpful for predicting based on Nadi Principles.

It is earnestly suggested that whenever any person’s chart is received it should first be entered in the register before predicting and later on analyzed.