Saral Shadbal [Hindi] by VP Goel Saral Shadbal by VP Goel is a comprehensive guide to understanding the concept of Shadbal (sixfold strength) in Vedic astrology. Shadbal is a critical...
Saral Jyotish Part 3 [Hindi] By VP Goel Publisher: Sagar Publications सरल ज्योतिष के इस भाग-3 में पांच विषयों पर चर्चा की गई है। यह विषय बंधन योग, उपचय भाव, विपरीत राजयोग,...
Saral Jyotish (Part 6) Are you Lucky [English] by VP Goel Saral Jyotish (Part 6): Are You Lucky" by V.P. Goel is a comprehensive guide focusing on the fourth house...
Saral Jyotish (Part 1) [Hindi] By VP Goel Publisher: Sagar Publications यह पुस्तक ज्योतिष के छात्रों और चिकित्यकों को ज्योतिष ज्ञान का "पचाने" और इसे गहराई से समझने और इसे अपने...
Saral Jyotish - 108 Gems of Predictive Astrology (Part 5) [English] by VP Goel Publisher : Sagar Publications This book gives 108 rare and east to apply replicable rules of predictive...
Saral Jyotish (Part 4) [English] BY VP Goel Publisher : Sagar Publications Part 4 of Saral Jyotish deals in the exaltation of planets and the Panch Maha Purush yoga. All possible...
Saptamsha Se Phalit [Hindi] by VP Goel Publisher : Sagar Publications Books यह पुस्तक अनेक ज्योतिष प्रश्न जैसे संतान की संख्या और लिंग, संतान के जन्म का समय निर्धारण, संतान से...
This part of Saral Jyotish contains five topics - Bhandan Yoga, Upchaya House, Vipreet Raj Yoga, Dispositors and Shakat Yoga. These are fundamental , but indicate topics of Astrology and...
Saral Jyotish Part - 1 Astrology Simplified By VP Goel Publisher: Sagar Publications This book is written with the intent to help Astrology students and practitioners to ‘digest’ Astrology knowledge and...
Predicting Through Shasti Hayani Dasha [English] By VP Goel Publisher: Sagar Publications The use of conditional dasha is essential to confirm the readings of any general dasha. This is like an expert...
Conditional Dasha is a special medicine and takes precedence over general medicine. Shodashottary Dasha is a special Dasha and is applicable to fifty percent of horoscopes. It must be used...